OSPAR Consulting Ltd.

Operational Consulting, summary...

Owners, Directors, Trustees and Fiduciaries must ensure an "infrastructure" is in place which will secure and preserve their company and its investments, both for themselves as well as for the company's shareholders and clients.
The benefit of establishing such an "infrastructure" can not be over estimated. It provides clear direction, plans of action, and guidelines which will aid and guide staff at all levels.
"infrastructure" is not only the roadmap that shows the way to attaining company objectives but also is the vehicle for the journey. At the same time, "infrastructure" steers the company around potentially damaging, if not crippling, situations that will inevitably arise along the journey.
A prime example is the real estate crash of the late eighties in which losses to owners, investors and pensioners was in the billions of dollars. The cost of developing and implementing "infrastructure" which prevents or mitigates damaging situations is less than the amount of the dollar rounding on most financial statements. Investing in "infrastructure" a fraction of the amount that is spent creating or acquiring value would secure and preserve those values, those assets, and the company itself.

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